понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Being in the artist alley with Floyd, Nancy, and our new friend, Sal, yesterday was a lot of fun. I made much less than I had hoped but thatapos;s okay because everyone was so lively and friendly. The attendance for this year was severely disappointing so losing money was to be expected. :P

And we gave away 55 free "Vote No on Prop 8" buttons while we were at it. Itapos;s too bad we didnapos;t make more of them. Some people actually came to our table looking for those after we ran out. Actually, itapos;s too bad we gave them our FOR FREE. Itapos;s not free to make but a lot of them didnapos;t seem to realize that. And some attendees even told us they would have paid for it after we ran out. I think handing those out for free made the pins that we were selling lose value because not many people purchased pins while we were giving "free" stuff. They feel like theyapos;ve stopped by our table for a reason already, so they leave without buying anything.. Oh psychology. Itapos;s a good learning process for what works and what doesnapos;t work.

Highlights of the convention:
When all the artists on our aisle banded together to sell items for $1 each towards the end of the day. And when our new friend, Anton, announced very loudly that he will be purchasing one of our great and amazing items for just one dollar.

And also, seeing that most everyone wanted a "No on 8" pin.
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Iapos;ve still got a rattle in my chest, and after ThatGuy and I both took a day off last week, weapos;re still under the weather. Things were postponed, jelly did *not* get made (those grapes are still sitting outside in the carport), and the painting waited for the weekend. Ignoring bouts of extreme sweating due to ickiness, I managed to tape off, cut in and paint 6/7ths of my bedroom - before I ran out of paint. I saw it coming - eyeballed it after the first wall required more paint than it should have, and questioned to the end whether I could stretch it. I could see hints of poor coverage in several spots, so I opted to be pleased with my work, rather than merely finished. Hereapos;s hoping Ralph Lauren paint comes in smaller cans, cause I donapos;t need another gallon All in all, it is a very, very, very, yellow, cheerful room :)

We washed all our bedding and comforters, and hung them on the line for what may be the last time until Spring - itapos;ll be back to the energy-gobbling dryer when itapos;s cold and wet out. Vacuumed mattresses and ran the pillows through the dryer to get rid of dust and such.

Baked four loaves of breakfast bread (2 zucchini, 2 banana) with half whole wheat flour, some amaranth, flax seed and millet thrown in to make it more nutritious. That guy made special salsa for the twitchywitchy household all by himself. Such a nice boy

We are soon to be the proud owners of a brand new fridge - our first major appliance purchase *gasp* The $1100 dollar fridge was on clearance for $900 (no taxes), and will be an even better purchase after the EnergyStar rebate ($50), and Hydro picks up our apos;secondapos; fridge ($30 rebate) - a far better deal than having Sears haul our old one away for a $20 charge

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I love having a day OFF. I never get them anymore. Iapos;ve been totally loving every minute of fall and getting ready for Halloween. Iapos;m in such a good space mentally that Iapos;m not just lying in bed watching movies, as much fun as that is.

Yesterday after work I went with Marta to Iron Kettle Farm. This place made Edmunsonapos;s look tiny. There was a hay ride, a spook barn, a pumpkin sling shot, hay jump, pumpkin train for the wee ones, petting zoo, pumpkin scenes, and of course lots of yummy food. I bought lots of pumpkins.

This morning I woke up around 9 and ran out to Gimme to get coffee for me and Kelly. We watched the office drinking said coffee curled up with the 3 cats. Then lunch at Taste of Thai then the Halloween Illusion show @ the State Theatre.

The show was OK. I think David Copperfield has kind of blown it for other professional magicians in that really, nothing can compare. Plus, working in the theatre, I know how a lot of illusions are made. But still, seeing the kids having so much fun made it more fun. One little boy in the front row asked him if he was Harry Potter. It was very cute.

Guess thatapos;s it. I think Iapos;m going to watch Sean of the Dead while Kellyapos;s out, since zombies freak her out.


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God I love that Merton XD

Watched meh first episode of Big Wolf Of Campus (thanks to bwoc.org/KACI O.O MWAHH)

I like Tommy too. Heapos;s fucking comedy. Jennifer is NOW: TOMMY DAWKINS. Dun dun dun. New nicknames. I canapos;t remember what our last set was, so about time for a new one, Iapos;d say Guess who takes over the role of Merton

*silence*...*rolls eyes raises hand* Yeah RIGHT HERE. Hah HAH

"...How..to...talk..to..your kids...Urban Edition?"- Tommy D

That just CRACKS me UP. Bwahaha.


Merton:*clinging to computer screen* "Come on You donapos;t understand You donapos;t know how bad I want it"

Sister:I thought mom and dad blocked those sites.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


One cat and Dog taken to be boarded this morning.
FedEx was indeed open on Saturdays: two packages picked up after dropping off the pets, and they were the London-Paris and Paris-Amsterdam train tickets, as expected.
There is no luggage store anywhere in Columbia, it appears. The nearest one is apparently in Boonville, 25 miles west on I-70. Target has a small selection, but I found satisfaction.

So all thatapos;s left of the must-do list is to get the other cat in to the vetsapos; for boarding on Monday afternoon, followed by a badly needed haircut for me. This leaves the rest of the weekend for relaxing, computer stuff, and figuring out which files I want to load the portable computer with. (Well, I could mow the lawn, I suppose, for what I suspect may be the last time this year.)
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Iapos;m back to my old self yet again. Tonight I feel the sting of the loneliness I have to endure. Itapos;s Friday night. Everyone is out with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Every friend of mine has no time anymore. Iapos;m the only single one left.� "Lots of guys want you" is what everyone tells me. I respond with "They donapos;t want to be with me, they just want to do me."��itapos;s just that. There comes a time when the senseless hooking up one night stands becomes old meaningless...itapos;s always meaningless. Iapos;m glad Iapos;m smart enough to NOT get caught up in that.� I donapos;t give my heart so easily, but I have been trying not to lately. Iapos;m finding it harder harder not to fall Iapos;m really starting to like this new one more more. I think this might be why Iapos;ve been struggling lately. Having to hold back just hurts. Iapos;m tired of going to bed lonely every night. I still wake up at the times my ex would call me in the middle of the night. My body is still used to waking up on itapos;s own. When you do it for so long, I guess itapos;s hard to get out of routine. Except thereapos;s no ring of the phone. Thereapos;s no voice. Thereapos;s nothing. Thereapos;s silence. Iapos;m alone. Itapos;s still hard to get used to. Iapos;m so depressed tonight,��I canapos;t quite figure out why. It started last night. Something snapped inside me. Iapos;m the girl everyone wants to be with if they need a rebound. Iapos;m the girl everyone wants to hook up with while theyapos;re still with somebody else. Both of those arenapos;t good. Iapos;m the girl everyone wants to do when theyapos;re just looking for a hookup. Very unfilling. Iapos;m not a whore. I have dignity. I definitely do not sleep around.�All of this I know already. Iapos;m waiting, but not sure for what. Iapos;m always surrounded by people, but still that lonely feeling burns like fire. I always thought people who wrote blogs like this were boring, unattractive, pathetic. Iapos;m none of those things for sure. Maybe pathetic, but whatever. Most people donapos;t take me seriously� expect me to be that slutty blonde. Maybe thatapos;s why Iapos;m so appealing to the guys that are already taken. I feel pathetic writing this Iapos;ve felt like shit all day. Work sucked, the drive to�McHenry sucked. Iapos;m just having a horrible day. Iapos;m hoping tomorrow will be better. So itapos;s 9:30 on a Friday night,��Iapos;m about to go to bed. Itapos;d be nice to have some good girlfriends to go out with. Ones that arenapos;t entirely completely consumed by their other relationships. I remember what that was like. I would never do it again. I know better now.
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I am in a total carb coma. Mmmm....

Itapos;s in the high 60apos;s outside, which is chilly for Louisiana this time of year. Itapos;s also overcast and misting a bit.

So for lunch, I decided on my fave "healthy but filling" cold-weather meal at Wendyapos;s: a small chili w/cheese + a sour cream chive potato....I mixed a bit of chili in w/the potato, and of course smashed all my crackers into the rest of the chili. NOM.

For dinner, I decided to heat up some leftovers from last nightapos;s Cheesy Hashbrown Hamburger Turkey Helper...and decided plain leftovers were NOT sufficient. So I grabbed an aging but still OK tomato from the fridge, a little bit of lite mayo, and a couple slices of Wonder Bread....used the mayo as glue to hold the tomato slices to the bread, then spread the heated cheesy hashbrown mix on the other piece. Smooshed them together, and devoured. NOM.

It disappeared too quickly for me to capture this delicacy w/a camera. :)

Whatapos;s your favorite "gray day" food?

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