понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

array vb 6

Being in the artist alley with Floyd, Nancy, and our new friend, Sal, yesterday was a lot of fun. I made much less than I had hoped but thatapos;s okay because everyone was so lively and friendly. The attendance for this year was severely disappointing so losing money was to be expected. :P

And we gave away 55 free "Vote No on Prop 8" buttons while we were at it. Itapos;s too bad we didnapos;t make more of them. Some people actually came to our table looking for those after we ran out. Actually, itapos;s too bad we gave them our FOR FREE. Itapos;s not free to make but a lot of them didnapos;t seem to realize that. And some attendees even told us they would have paid for it after we ran out. I think handing those out for free made the pins that we were selling lose value because not many people purchased pins while we were giving "free" stuff. They feel like theyapos;ve stopped by our table for a reason already, so they leave without buying anything.. Oh psychology. Itapos;s a good learning process for what works and what doesnapos;t work.

Highlights of the convention:
When all the artists on our aisle banded together to sell items for $1 each towards the end of the day. And when our new friend, Anton, announced very loudly that he will be purchasing one of our great and amazing items for just one dollar.

And also, seeing that most everyone wanted a "No on 8" pin.
array vb 6, array vb.net, array vb6, array vba.

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